Finding White-eared Hummingbird in SE AZ
Click here for tips on how to find over 100 SE Arizona specialty birds
with brief details of status, timing, habitat and location

Status in SE Arizona: Scarce summer visitor.

Timing: Mar-Oct, mostly May-Aug.

Status in USA: Only regularly recorded in USA in SE Arizona.

Habitat/location: Recent breeding records from Madera Canyon in the Santa Rita Mountains and Miller Canyon in the Huachuca Mountains. No regular sightings from any site since 2010, until a few were found in Miller Canyon in 2013. One was regular at feeders in Madera Canyon in summer 2014.

White-eared Hummingbird map from eBird

Coming soon…

More information about how to find White-eared Hummingbird in SE Arizona…

Male White-eared Hummingbird

Male White-eared Hummingbird

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Page updated: July 2015. All photos copyright © Richard P Fray, unless stated